
Gluten Free Rosh Hashanah Menu

Shana Tova! Rosh Hashanah is here, and once again I feel like the worst Jew on the planet. We are a mixed religion family, and sadly I wasn’t raised with much knowledge of Jewish holidays. A holiday always creeps up on me, and I feel badly that I didn’t know it was coming, or what it symbolizes. I’m trying to change that. I actually just ordered a few books to teach myself about Jewish holidays. Hopefully that helps.



This week my sister said she wanted to make Challah. I was all for it, so we tried making a traditional Challah recipe and just substituting gluten free flour and adding psyllium powder for the added stretch that you miss with gluten free baking. It was kind of a fail. Haha. Back to the interwebs I went, looking for a gluten free challah recipe. I ended up finding this one from Let Them Eat Gluten Free Cake. O.M.G this recipe is fire! Kim has her own gluten free flour blend recipes, and they are some of the best I’ve used. This recipe is flawless, and made making gluten free challah fun and exciting! We even made a little video of the process because we knew it would be a cool experience.



I can’t wait to try more of Kim’s recipes. She is a phenomenal baker, and I could learn a thing or two from her!



In my true last-minute Jewish holiday fashion, I thought I’d gather up some other recipe ideas for you if you are looking for some last minute recipes ideas for the new year. Next year maybe I’ll remember to do this sooner, and come up with something new for you all!








Primal Palate Spice Blends

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