
Guest Post by Tessemae’s: Garlicky Bacon & Avocado Burgers

I can’t believe it’s already Memorial Day Weekend. I absolutely love this holiday – and not just because it’s a three-day weekend. It’s the first time things really feel like summer: the sun is OUT, the grill is ON, and there is a LOT of food and hard cider to be had. You know what’s missing from the Paleo-ized version of this holiday? Ketchup. I love ketchup. I used to put it on everything. And for those of you who are unaware, Primal Palate is headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; which also happens to be home to Heniz, the largest ketchup company in the world. If you don’t eat ketchup in Pittsburgh, people wonder what’s wrong with you. So when I found out Tessemae’s had a Paleo Ketchup, I was thrilled. We love Tessemae’s – their products are olive oil based and rarely contain more than five ingredients. They never compromise on quality, and are one of the only (if not THE only) Paleo-approved salad dressings out there. To kick-off Memorial Day, their awesome chef, Kristen, developed these stuffed Bacon and Avocado Burgers to share with all of you. Which can be smothered, covered, and dipped in Paleo Ketchup. Enjoy everyone!  -Kara


Burgers are a Memorial Day staple for everyone in the Tessemae’s family.  Some of us like them bun-less, some add sharp cheddar cheese… but this year, we wondered how we could make our burgers better than ever. Enter Slow Roasted Garlic.

Garlicky Bacon & Avocado Burger

We’ve been playing in the kitchen with this secret ingredient for over a year and now it is FINALLY available on our website. These burgers are the perfect way to show off just how good it is. Our garlic is roasted “low and slow” and then pureed. It’s basically like putting liquid gold in the middle of your burger. Warning: expect excessive drool and requests for seconds!

Here’s what you do:

Garlicky Burger Ingredients

In a large skillet, over medium-high heat, cook the bacon until crisp. Transfer to a paper towel-lined plate.

Heat grill to medium-high. Divide the beef into 4 equal pieces. Make a deep indent in each piece and fill each with ½ tablespoon of Slow Roasted Garlic. (See Step by step shots below!)

Garlicky Burger Prep

Gently fold the meat over the garlic and shape each piece in to a thin, flat patty. Please do not make hockey pucks that will swell up to baseballs during cooking! Keep them an even thickness from the center to the edge.

Garlicky Burger Prep

Season each patty with salt and pepper.Garlicky Burger Prep

Oil the grill and cook the patties about 3 minutes a side for medium. Do not flip them if they are sticking, cook a little longer on the first side until they un-stick, then cook a little less on the second side. Serve the burgers on lettuce with the avocado, bacon, and plenty of ketchup. Enjoy! -Kristen

Garlicky Bacon & Avocado Burger

Garlicky Bacon & Avocado Burgers

Serves: 4

Serves: 4decrease servingsincrease servings



Note, these instructions are written assuming the standard serving size, since you have modified the number of servings, these steps may need to be modified for best results
  1. In a large skillet, over medium-high heat, cook the bacon until crisp. Transfer to a paper towel-lined plate.
  2. Heat grill to medium-high. Divide the beef into 4 patties.
  3. Make a deep indent in each piece and fill each with ½ tablespoon of Slow Roasted Garlic.
  4. Gently fold the meat over the garlic and shape each piece in to a thin, flat patty.
  5. Season patties with salt and pepper.
  6. Oil the grill and cook the patties about 3 minutes a side for medium. Do not flip them if they are sticking, cook a little longer on the first side until they un-stick, then cook a little less on the second side.
  7. Serve the burgers on lettuce with the avocado, bacon, and plenty of ketchup.
Primal Palate Spice Blends

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