Hello everyone!
Fall Fest is nearing it’s conclusion! All recipe submissions are in an accounted for, and we are opening up the voting for the People’s Choice Award! We had over 170 recipe entries for the contest, and are THRILLED with every entry. You all really took the theme of the contest to heart, and the recipes you submitted are some of the best we’ve EVER gotten. So thank you for your participation!
During the next week, we will be evaluating each and every entry for our Best Sweet Recipe and Best Savory Recipe awards. Entries will be judged on the criteria of Originality in Recipe, Balance of Ingredients, and a Beautiful Recipe Photo. We will select our top choices in each category and test them out ourselves to see how they work out (because that’s pretty darn important too!) The winner of each category will take home a prize package worth $2300 (each), with some amazing prizes!
Please consider supporting our sponsors! Wusthof, Cappellos, Otto’s Naturals, Tin Star Foods, Bare Bones Broth, Le Creuset, Kasandrinos, US Wellness Meats, Thrive Market, and Eating Evolved
For the next week, voting will be open for the People’s Choice Award Recipe. You may vote for as many recipes as you’d like, with one vote per recipe, per day (the ability to vote again resets at midnight, EST).
- Go to the Contest Recipes Page
- Find your favorite recipes, and click “X Votes” under the recipe image. (If you submitted recipes and are trying to get people to vote for yours, you can send people to your user profile page to vote)
- Vote for as many recipes as you’d like, but you can only vote a particular recipe once a day (resets at midnight, eastern time)
- You can vote every day.
- Recipe voting ends October 28th at midnight, pacific time.
The recipe with the most overall votes WINS a Primal Palate prize pack worth $500!
Good luck, and thank you all for voting and entering recipes! This has been really exciting to see what TALENT is out there!
Bill & Hayley
>>> VOTE NOW <<<
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