The other day, Hayley and I were walking through Whole Foods (one of our favorite places), and were brainstorming different dishes we could make for dinner. In all honesty, we rely heavily on a few dishes we love and are quick to make. That seems to be the norm for most home cooks, though. As we passed the meat counter, we spied some baby back ribs that looked amazing, so we picked them up with the intention of making them the next day.
When it came time to make them, we decided to use our Instant Pot*, which we love so much. It’s like a pressure cooker, slow cooker, and culinary computer, all rolled up into one device. We already knew that the Instant Pot can make ribs just fall off the bone, so it was a no brainer to use it. Hayley suggested that we make our Chinese 5-Spice Ribs, which we originally included in our first cookbook, Make It Paleo. (<– Click to get it on Amazon for the lowest price anywhere!)
We made this recipe during the summer of 2011, and surprisingly did not blog about it, which is sort of sad in a way. Sure, it’s really nice that it’s in our first cookbook, but the format of a book is somewhat limiting in terms of space. I like revisiting old posts to read what was going on in our lives at that time.
Speaking of what’s going on in our lives, we’re anxiously awaiting the arrival of our very first nephew, which should happen any day now. There will be some fun opportunities to share the big meals we make to share with the new parents, and probably some newborn baby pics on our instagram, too. Plenty more on that later, I’m sure.
We’re also celebrating high season for our spring garden: lettuce, broccoli, strawberries, snap peas, spring onions, herbs, and more are all in full swing. As I gathered eggs from our chicken coop this morning, it occurred to me that we could make an entire meal from ingredients we grow right here on our little suburban plot. Perhaps it will be the topic of a future post. I’ve also promised a post on our gutter-grown strawberries, so look for that, too!
Along with the ribs in the Instant Pot, we also made roasted cauliflower with our Garlic and Herb blend (so it’s totally AIP friendly). These recipes are both really easy, so it’s possible to make them at the same time (without burning down your kitchen). Hope you guys enjoy them!
Bill & Hayley
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