Our friends at Cappello’s have recently released frozen pizzas. We’ve had them a few times when we are craving pizza, or when we don’t feel like cooking dinner. They are truly fantastic (like the other products Cappello’s sells), and definitely make life easier and more delicious!
A couple times we have just cooked up the plain cheese pizza, and had it with a salad and some grilled chicken, but our favorite way to enjoy it is to have fun with adding our own toppings. We did this for lunch yesterday, and it was delicious!
Prosciutto, bell pepper, and arugula are some of our favorite pizza toppings, so if you ever come to our house for pizza, you can expect to see those on the menu!
We have found Cappello’s pizza at our local Whole Foods Market, and a local gluten free shop called Ali’s Marketplace. We love seeing our friends products in our local stores, especially when that store also carries our cookie dough that we co-branded with Cappello’s! It’s delicious, AND vegan, so you don’t even have to cook it to enjoy it. We love mixing it into ice cream, and Bill’s favorite is what he calls “the cookie dough push pop”, where he just squeezes the dough out of the package, and takes a bite.
These pizzas cook for 20 minutes, directly on the rack of the oven, at 400 degrees. The toppings we used cooked up perfectly in that time. Be sure to slice bell pepper thinly, so that it cooks easily, and thoroughly in a short amount of time.
We highly recommend these frozen pizzas! Have you tried them yet? Let us know what you think!
(Shop Cappello’s online, or find them in your local stores!)
PS: We kicked off our annual Memorial Day Sale today.
My husband and I just discovered their pizzas at Wholefoods and we can’t believe the aroma, and the taste of these. It’s simply delicious! Our only question is how to cook it well enough to have our Sheeps milk pizza look as good and thoroughly cooked as yours? We have cooked it twice now and both times it’s as though it’s a lasagna in the middle, a crispy pizza on the edges. We live at 6500 feet so perhaps that has something to do with it but I’d love your input. Thanks