By now, you know that we released our second print cookbook, Gather – The Art of Paleo Entertaining last week. This book has received a lot of praise from the community, and we are so excited to see people start cooking from this book for their friends and family. What you may not know is that we’re about to release our 3rd cookbook, titled The 30 Day Guide to Paleo Cooking. We know what you’re thinking, and you’re right… we ARE crazy. But we also care tremendously about providing tools to help people eat better. Plus we love to create recipes together, and what better way than to share that love through cookbooks?
Why did we write this book?
We wrote this book while we were also working on Gather. Sounds like a great way to go insane, but it actually made a LOT of sense to us to work this way. Each week, we would plan recipes for our elaborate dinner menus for Gather. During the weeks of recipe development, the two of us ate squeaky clean Paleo meals, followed by the dinner parties we threw for Gather on the weekends. It made perfect sense to chronicle these strict paleo meals from our weeknights, and store them up for a new book on clean paleo cooking. Thus, our third book was born!
The 30 Day Guide to Paleo Cooking is aimed squarely at getting more people acquainted with the Paleo lifestyle in an easy-to-manage package. We hear it all the time (and some of us even say it), “try Paleo for 30 days…” and you know how the rest goes. The thing is, how can we expect people to try it for 30 days without a clear road map? Our new cookbook is the perfect guide for people looking to adopt a Paleo lifestyle.
What’s in the new book?
- Part 1 covers the basics of the Paleo diet. We have tailored the information in this section to include some of the many topics we’ve been asked to discuss over the last few years; the questions people actually need answers for. How do I build a meal? How do I go grocery shopping? What can I eat and drink? What sort of ingredients do I need to stock my kitchen?
- Part 2 provides the actual meal plan, which guides the reader through their first 30 days of Paleo. This isn’t meant to be trial by fire in the kitchen. Rather, the meal plan is geared towards busy people who need to find the balance between creating delicious AND easy meals. This section contains easy-to-follow weekly meal plans accompanied by handy shopping lists, all of which are available as tear-outs in the back of the book.
- Part 3 of the book is a presentation of 75 of our best new recipes, which are squeaky-clean Paleo. You won’t find any desserts or sweet treats in this book. The recipes are tasty, easy to execute, and won’t put a strain on your wallet either. We’ve put a lot of thought into the recipes, and hope it shows.
We think this book not only has the ability to benefit anyone that cooks, but even change lives!
Whether you are new to Paleo or have been doing it a while. The recipe ideas are fresh and creative, so we think long time Paleo folks will appreciate the new meal ideas too. If you have loved ones or friends in your life you want to adopt a healthier lifestyle, this book is the perfect guide to get them started.
How is this book different from our other two books?
That’s a great question! Here’s how this one is different from Make it Paleo and Gather:
- 75 ALL NEW RECIPES. That means you wont find overlap between the recipes in Make it Paleo and Gather. There are a few very basic recipes that are necessary to repeat (like mayonnaise), but the real food recipes are all different, and we think you guys are going to love them.
- The recipes are the most straightforward and “cleanest” out of our three books. The recipes are about as easy as those in Make it Paleo, but you won’t find any desserts in this book. (The closest we get to an indulgence is a lone recipe for almond flour pancakes.)
- 30 Day Meal Plan with Weekly Shopping Lists and tear-out guides. This book lays out a full month long meal plan, which makes adopting a Paleo lifestyle easy and fun.
- Accessible, easy to understand info on the Paleo diet. While the basic stuff hasn’t really changed, we’ve added a ton of information to this section to make things plain and simple.
- Tear-out Guides. Take the meal plans and shopping lists with you to the grocery store!
- 24 bonus “Express Eats” recipes in the back of the book to help you build additional meals on your own.
- Meal building tips and shopping tips
- Success Stories (will yours be in the next printing!?)
- Answers to frequently asked questions about topics such as Cholesterol, Gluten, Carbohydrates, Soy, Fats, Calcium, and much more!
Here’s the bottom line: you should get this book
Whether you’re just starting your Paleo journey or are a multi-year veteran of grain-free eating, this book is going to be a great addition to your bookshelf. The easy, approachable style we take towards the Paleo diet is super simple for people to adopt and see great results. This isn’t some over the top, crazy program…. the goal is simply to get you to try eating real, Paleo meals for 30 days. The results will speak for themselves. Maybe you have someone in your life that could benefit from this book, or maybe you just want the new recipes we’ve provided. No matter what the case may be, you’re going to be happy you bought this book.
Pre-order your copy now on Amazon or Barnes & Noble! It comes out June 11th (just one month from now!)
Order the book:
Now the part of this post you are REALLY looking for… THE DONUTS
Is it a little ironic that we are sharing a recipe for a very serious dessert while promoting our book for clean Paleo eats? Yep, we thought it was perfectly hilarious to share this recipe along with information on our new book, not just because you will need to do a strict 30 days of clean Paleo eats after eating these donuts, but because yesterday when our first copy of the book arrived we said…“WOOHOO it’s here, it’s beautiful. Let’s make donuts!!”
The truth is, one of our favorite bloggers (and people in general) Jenni, author of The Urban Poser, has been taunting us with her ridiculously good looking donuts lately. If you don’t already follow Jenni, she is a miraculous Gluten Free/Paleo success story, and also happens to make beautiful food. Like, really beautiful food. So beautiful in fact that I tried my best to persuade her to publish a cookbook. Hopefully one day my wish will come true and she will. Also, she is a mom of two super cute boys with super cool names, and has an awesome husband who makes it very clear how in love he is with her (could you blame him?). She might be the grain free baking super woman. There are a few of those out there, and she is totally one of them.
I first found out about Jenni from our friends Stacy and Matt of Paleo Parents, because they always make her amazing marshmallows, and since I fail at making them every time (I blame our industrial KitchenAid mixer, but I know it’s really a user problem), I am known for begging Stacy and Matt to make them for me any chance I can get. True story.
Anyway, the other night I had a dream about making Jenni’s donuts. In my dream I made them, but they didn’t look anything like donuts. Some looked like cinnamon rolls, and some looked nothing like food at all, and I had to share them with everyone so I didn’t get to eat much. We had a donut pan from Crate & Barrel sitting in one of our prop shelves, so I figured I would take this as a sign to test it out with my own donut recipe. I do want to try Jenni’s donut recipe, but I will wait until I can get my hands on a donut maker. Yes, I just said donut maker.
For this recipe I used my own knowledge of baking with almond and arrowroot flour, as well as gazed over a few baked donut recipes on the web, and came up with my own donut trial. It worked really well! I’m positive they would be better in a donut machine, but we really enjoyed them baked in the oven. I made two topings for the donuts, a simple dark chocolate ganache using Dagoba dark chocolate drops and organic palm shortening, and I also was very sinful and made a glaze using Whole Foods organic gluten-free and cornstarch-free powdered sugar and lemon juice. AH-MAZE-ING. When I sent my future sis-in-law a photo of the donuts her response was…”umm wedding cookie table, get on it!” Don’t worry sis, I’m already on it!
Anyway, we hope you all enjoy this recipe for grain free donuts, and forgive us for our sinful use of powdered sugar. And if you hate our recipe, go try Jenni’s!
Yep… I see a trip to Kohl’s to go get me the donut maker I saw on sale in my very near future… LOL. Between your recipe, and Urban Poser’s samoa donuts (not to add that I had a crazy idea for a modification to Civilized Caveman’s banana bread as donuts… filled with his not-ella). These sound (and look) amazing. I could even see doing orange glaze. Of course, that means a 40 mile trip to the nearest Whole Paycheck (oops… I mean, Whole Foods… LOL) because health food stores out my way are few and far between.
Just so you know… I’m salivating looking at the picture… and the thought of… DONUTS!!!! Whooo!!! You guys rock!
I have the pans for baking donuts…may need to try this out! I just got gather yesterday and I am in love. My friend is going to come over on wednesday and we are going to make one of the salads with some chicken for lunch! The next one looks great too…you guys are draining my wallet! 🙂 In a good way.
I got Gather in the mail last week. I jumped up in down (like a weirdo) when I got it! I can’t wait to get The 30 Day Guide To Paleo Cooking. Also…these donuts look amazing!! I NEED to get a donut maker!!
I don’t have a donut pan, could I make these into “cupcakes” ?