
The Benefits of Meditation

Today is the final post in the 3-part series of guest posts by Kacie! We hope you enjoyed them!

Part 1: Brain Health and the Unexpected Gut Connection
Part 2: Eating for a Healthy Brain

Hayley & Bill


Kacie is a health and functional nutrition enthusiast and founder of Human Resources Wellness. After a series of health challenges in her twenties which left her fed up with the Western medical system, she turned to food as medicine and was astounded at the shifts and healing that she discovered. It was through this experience that she found her true calling: to help others through nutrition, natural medicine and holistic healing.

The Human Resources philosophy is firmly grounded in the importance of a healthy digestive system as the key to reaching overall immune, cognitive, psychological and physical health. Rather than subscribing to food dogma, Kacie is guided by science, bioavailability of nutrients, bodily intuition and therapeutic applications of healing modalities- all within the framework of eating real food with a heavy dose of vegetables. Kacie will graduate as a certified Holistic Nutrition Practitioner from Bauman College in February with a Human Resources retail snack bar in Los Angeles on the way in the Spring of 2016.

Website:  www.humanresourceswellness.com

Instagram:  @human.resources

benefits of meditation

For many people, the word “meditation” brings up a certain mental picture; a peaceful yogi, legs crossed into a painful-looking Lotus position levitating above the ground, their mind hovering peacefully in another dimension. Contrary to any esoteric views you may have, meditation is simply a form of concentration- it is non-denominational, and anyone from any religion or walk of life can benefit from its incredible effects on the brain and wellbeing.

Meditating has been proven to reduce stress and high blood pressure, lower inflammation, improve sleep, increase productivity and creativity, improve relationships and self esteem, and lead to greater gratitude and contentment within your life. Plus- there are no side effects! The state of being in “meditation”- that is to say, practicing mindfulness- is just that. You are in your mind, but not consumed by it. You simply notice where you are, how you feel, the sounds around you, your thoughts and how they come and go. This concentration is the same state that you achieve when you are buried deeply in a great book, or so completely engrossed in a movie that you forget, even for a moment, about your problems and your worries.

During meditation we are focusing wholeheartedly on the current moment instead of projecting into the future or descending into the past. If you think about it, almost all of our anxieties, insecurities, and preoccupations exist solely in our minds- and they come from a place of fear. When we return to the present moment and practice staying there- even for only one or two seconds at a time- we are able to see that the thoughts that constantly bombard us do not define who we are. They come from outside of us, and by being a witness to them coming and going, we are able to detach from them a little bit. What a great relief!

Learning to befriend our brain is one of the first and most powerful steps we can take towards reclaiming our health, happiness, peace of mind, and even our productivity. It can help us focus, to stay calm during adversity, and to get more in tune with ourselves and our emotions. Plainly put, meditating can make you a happier person!

Just like learning any new skill- like playing the piano, or starting a new sport- meditation gets easier, deeper, and more fulfilling the longer and more often that you practice it. That’s why Headspace is such an amazing App to have handy on your phone- it provides you a (wonderful, calming) instructor who guides you slowly into your practice, working up each day until you feel confident and sufficient meditating on your own.

We are absolutely thrilled to be partnering with Headspace to bring all of you loyal Primal Palate readers a chance to try meditation right now, today. Headspace offers a free 10 day introductory meditation course on their app that anyone can enjoy, but 5 lucky readers will receive a code for 1 Month of free meditation instruction!

How To Enter:

  1. Visit the Primal Palate Instagram for the official entry post.
  2. “Like” Primal Palate, Human.Resources, and Headspace on Instagram.
  3. Tag a friend in the comments (on the Primal Palate Instagram post) who would want to know about the giveaway!



Good luck!


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    1. PatriziaMarcano
      August 23, 2018

      I started doing meditation a while ago and it changed my life completely. The benefits started showing after a few weeks and now I meditate every morning to start my day.

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