
How to Grill Prime Rib

Hey guys!

We’re back! I know, two posts in two days. Our 2015 New Year’s Resolution was to post more frequently… better late than never, right?

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After posting a Sous Vide Prime Rib recipe yesterday, I thought: “great, that recipe probably works for the few dozen readers that have a sous vide or immersion circulator.” But what about everyone else? Even having a Sous Vide, I usually don’t feel like hauling it out. Filling it up. Vac-packing the food. Not to mention planning a meal several hours in advance. That takes thought and effort: two things that are hard to muster some days.

I will say this though: the sous vide method yields a much better, more consistent result. So there’s that. However this (grilled-only) steak still tasted GREAT.

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So here you go: a great way to make Prime Rib using just a grill and a meat thermometer. The only tricky part is getting a really hot, really quick sear, and then using indirect heat to gently bring up the internal temperature to around 125F (which will rise to 135F after cooking). Because a single-bone chop is still quite thick (at almost 2″), you need to take out the cut at least 30 minutes prior to grilling, ideally 45 minutes. This helps lessen the temperature differential between the center of the cut and the edges.

Hope you guys enjoy it, and have a Merry New Year! See you in 2016!


Grilled Prime Rib

Normally we would sous vide Prime Rib, but if you don't have a fancy immersion circulator, this method will do just fine! If you have a meat thermometer and a grill, you're in business!

Serves: 2

Serves: 2decrease servingsincrease servings



Note, these instructions are written assuming the standard serving size, since you have modified the number of servings, these steps may need to be modified for best results
  1. Take your 1-bone cut of prime rib out of the refrigerator about 30 minutes before cooking to allow it to come up in temperature a bit. Season with salt and pepper all over, and allow the steak to rest.
  2. Assuming you have a gas grill, 10 minutes prior to cooking, start the grill on high heat. Allow the grill to come up to 600 degrees Fahrenheit.
  3. Sear the steak on both sides, approximately 3-4 minutes per side.
  4. Turn off the middle burner, and keep the steak centered over the unlit burner. Flip the steak every 4-5 minutes. Use a meat thermometer and monitor the internal temperature. For medium rare, remove the steak from the grill when the internal temperature reaches about 125 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature will climb for about 5 more minutes after removed from the grill. Ideal medium-rare internal temperature is anywhere from 131F-137F, depending on your preference.
  5. Allow to rest for a minimum of 5 minutes, ideally 10. Slice and serve.


Looking for more Grilling Recipes?

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Recipe: Grilled Delmonico Steak

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Recipe: Grilled Adobo Pork Chops

Recipe: Grilled Chicken with Seafood Seasoning

Recipe: Grilled Vegetables

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